Thursday 3 July 2014

Rev. Sr. Thankamma Varkey

Born in Kanjirapally, Kerala in the year 1942, Sr. Thankamma Varkey was the eldest child of a large family where she grew up with deep family ties and all the endearments of a loving home. This brought out in her a great love for people and deep care for those who are in need of help.
Very early in life, she dedicated herself to Church work. She received her training from Madras, India and Bachelor of Divinity (B.D) (Marthoma Seminary, Kottayam later pursued her Master’s in Theology from Pennsylvania in the United States of America. She presented herself for a life of sisterhood with the Church of South India (CSI) and was later ordained as a Presbyter of the Church. The saga of service and Christian ministry spans 35 years during which she served and  rendered her service Diocese of Madhya Kerala for 29 years, Member, Forum for Women rights (CCI), Member, Voice for Social Justice (CSI), Member, AICC women wing, General Secretary for the least coin project for several years, General Secretary of the CSI Women’s Fellowship (22 Dioceses and four region) for five years and also as the Secretary of the Order of Sisters.
In 1998, Rev. Sister Thankamma Varkey, during her tenure spearheading the Women’s Fellowship of the Church of South India  as General Secretary became deeply concerned with various issues, which gave new dimensions to the CSI Women’s Ministry. The ground realities helped her find her true vocation in life to serve and free the downtrodden children from hunger, pain and suffering. In appreciation of her work among the slum-dwellers, she was presented with a meritorious award by the Governor of Karnataka on the occasion of the celebration of the Republic Day in the year 2002.  
Upon completion of her term of office from the CSI Women’s Fellowship and in continuation of her ministry among the poor, Krupalaya was launched from her residence in Munnekolalu, Marathahalli in Bangalore. This was in continuation of her calling and commitment to welfare ministries with a view to improve the quality of life of the less fortunate. She is joyfully living for the glory of God and in service to Christ’s Church and the surrounding human community as a whole. In the eyes of the people who have interacted with her, she is a simple and truly humane person.  She is serving a rural CSI Malayalam Congregation near Marthahally

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